Friday, May 20, 2016

Sussex County Law Enforcement Officers Receive Latest Active Shooter Response Training

The Sussex County Association of Chiefs of Police recently partnered with the Sussex County Community College to co-host an important in-service training for 30 law enforcement officers from across Sussex County.

On Thursday May 19, 2016, Officers representing 13 different agencies attended a full day of training by the National Center for Security Preparedness for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care or TECC.  TECC is designed to teach and reinforce basic skills that would assist law enforcement in caring for themselves, other officers and civilian victims in a direct threat and indirect threat environment.

As a follow up to the active shooter in-service training entitled Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) that occurred last year which focused on “stopping the shooting”, the purpose of this training is to “stop the dying”.  The course focuses on actions that law enforcement can take to reduce preventable causes of death in serious threat situations.

This ongoing training will help to best prepare Law Enforcement Officers in Sussex County to work together mutually in a manner that is consistent with nationally recognized best practices and standards.